Series 9: Historical Events

9.1: The Morgan Affair

9.1.1: Papers of Victory Birdseye 1824-1831 (AR1993.16) [Finding aid in box]

9.1.2: Papers of Harold August Relating to the Morgan Affair 1829-1999 (AR 2004.1) [Finding aid in Box 1]

Box 1: Folders 1, 3-14, 16, 17 ;  Box 2: Folders 2, 15, 18, 19

9.2: Grand Lodge of North America (originally from AR1996.7.1-.28)

9.3: Extinct Lodges of Ulster Co- Report by Grand Historian Wilmer E. Bresee 1965 (1 Packet)

9.4: New York Times: June 4, 1865- Includes articles about the trial of Abraham Lincoln’s Assassins, and the address of the Masonic Lodge to Edwin Booth [in Oversized]