Series 6: Papers of Grand Lodge Committees and Special Offices

6.1: Committee [on] George Washington Masonic National Memorial

6.2: War Relief Administration

6.3: 175th Anniversary Committee

6.4: Masonic Hall and Asylum Fund

6.4.1: Status and Powers of Trustees of the Hall and Asylum Fund. Opinion and Appendix Abel Crook [1 packet, and 4 loose sheets]

6.5: Grand Lodge Committee on Special Awards

6.6: Grand Lodge Committee on Service and Rehabilitation

6.7: Edward M.L. Ehlers Memorial

6.8: Grand Lodge Special Committee on Masonic History

6.9: Grand Lodge Committee on Constitution and By-Laws

6.10: Grand Lodge Committee on Finances

6.11: Grand Lodge Committee on Warrants

6.12: Grand Lodge Committee on Jurisprudence and Condition of Masonry

6.13: Grand Lodge Committee on Condition of Masonry

6.14: Grand Lodge Committee on the Death of M ∴ W ∴ John D. Willard

6.15: Grand Lodge Committee on Grand Master’s Address

6.16: Grand Lodge Committee on Grievances

6.17: Grand Lodge Committee on Appeals

6.18: Grand Lodge Committee on Conference

6.19: Grand Lodge Committee on the Ladies Mount Vernon Association

6.20: Grand Lodge Committee of Seven to Superintend the Settlement of Counsel Fees and Expenses of the Lawsuit…Carrying Out the Provisions of Union…

6.21: District Deputy Grand Master

6.22: Grand Treasurer

6.23: Masonic World’s Fair Commission (3 boxes)

6.24: Special Committee on Lowering the Minimum Age

6.25: Statue of Liberty Committee

6.26: Mission to Freemasons in US Forces Overseas; 1919 France (3 folders)

6.27: Tappan Washington Memorial Corporation

6.28: Masonic Victory Chest Executive Committee

6.29: Grand Lodge Committee on Related Organizations

6.30: Board of Grand Masters

6.31: Committee for Collecting Dues from County Lodges

6.32: Committee for the Masonic Library of the City of New York (AR1996.1)

6.33: The Masonic Hall Association of Albany/ Albany Masonic Temple Building Fund Campaign (AR 1997.16 [2 folders])

6.34: Committee on Transportation

6.35: Committee on Youth

 6.35.1: Committee on Youth: General Notices and Correspondences

6.35.2: Douglas MacArthur Award for Exemplary Service to Youth (Sample Form/ Award, Cumulative Lists of Winners, 2004-current)

6.35.3: Frank M. Totton Essay Contest (Sample Form)

6.35.4: The Eagle Scout Award (Sample Form, 2004-2015)

6.35.5: The Daniel Carter Beard Masonic Scouter Award (Sample Form, 2002-2003)

6.35.6: Service to Youth Award (Sample Form)

6.35.7: DeWitt Clinton Award (2007)

6.35.8: Girl Scout “Gold” Recognition

6.35.9: Ian Carter Beard Masonic Scouter Award

6.35.10: Youth Activities Award

6.36: Grand Lodge Committee on Communications

6.37: Board of General Activities

6.38: Committee for the George Washington Masonic Historic Site at Tappan

6.39: Committee on History

6.40: Masonic Hall Association of the City of Buffalo

6.41: Masonic Home and Asylum Fund [Utica-related]

6.41.1: Report of Trustees *** Masonic Home and Asylum Fund*** Proposed Infirmary Addition and New Administration Building Prepared for the Trustees by Dr. William T. Clark Superintendant of Home and Trevor W. Rogers of Rogers & Smith Architects [1 cover letter and 1 packet; rings in binder that held said packet together was removed]

6.42: Committee on Survey

2 packets entitled: Report to the Committee on Survey by Division on Improvement of Lodges June 12, 1947; 3rd packet, which was the copy for MW Charles H. Johnson, will be with his file in Series 4.20

6.43: Survey of Prominent Members  of the Craft Survey Made During the Administration of MW C.H. Froessel