This collection consists of three boxes of material related to the 1964-65 World’s Fair in New York. The Grand Lodge of New York sponsored the Masonic Brotherhood Center which showcased Masonic history and memorabilia. Both Masonic and non-Masonic material is reflected in this collection. Box 1- 6.23.1: Masonic Material Folder 1: Information Packets Folder 2: Blank certificates for volunteers Folder 3: Grand Master H. Lloyd Jones Correspondence Folder 4: Financial information Folder 5: Robert Moses’ speech at Grand Lodge, handouts Folder 6: Promotional ideas Folder 7: Official letters Folder 8: The Masonic Brotherhood Center information pamphlet Folder 9: Empire State Mason Box 2- 6.23.2: Non-Masonic Material Folder 1: Information Packet Folder 2: Fair Maps Folder 3: Official Fair Guides Box 3- 6.32.2: Non-Masonic Material Folder 4: News/Bulletins/Memos Folder 5: Souvenir Program Folder 6: Fair Telephone Directory Folder 7: Science at the Fair Folder 8: Poster Folder 9: Catalog of Information and Promotional Material Folder 10: Outside advertisers Folder 11: Promotional Materials Folder 12: Operations Manual Folder 13: TIME Magazine Series 6.23: The Masonic World’s Fair Commission