The Chancellor Robert R Livingston Masonic Library of the Grand Lodge of New York is pleased, proud and very happy to announce that the Free Monthly Lecture Series has found a Sponsor for the next seven Lectures.
We thank, so very much, The Square Club of the Fourth Masonic District of Manhattan, Inc. for their Sponsorship! We are deeply grateful for their support.
The website for The Square Club of the Fourth Masonic District of Manhattan, Inc. is https://www.4msquareclub.org/. Should there be any questions for the Square Club, please contact them at 4msquareclub@gmail.com.
As the Library is a not-for-profit, New York State Chartered Association Library, donations such as this and those that come to us through the Masonic Brotherhood Fund help the staff fulfill the mission of the Library.
The Mission of the Chancellor Robert R Livingston Masonic Library is to collect, preserve, interpret, and make available for education and research, to both members of the Fraternity and others, such materials as relate to the history, philosophy, culture, and organization of Freemasonry, in its social and historical contexts, with a special emphasis on Freemasonry in New York State.